Publication Notice: Dr. Bin Xu

Richmond, B.C.

Issuing College:


Discipline Pa​​nel Decision Summary


Dr. Bin Xu was registered with the College of Dental Surgeons of BC (CDSBC) as a general dentist who practised in Richmond, B.C.

A disciplinary citation was issued in September 2018 based on investigations by the College into complaints from 12 former patients of Dr. Xu. A discipline hearing was held in November 2018 regarding his conduct and competence, which addressed numerous allegations against Dr. Bin Xu.

Dr. Xu failed to participate in the hearing. This does not change the College’s obligation to prove the charges set out in the disciplinary citation.


The Discipline Panel considered evidence and submissions, including testimony from patients. It issued its decision on June 12, 2019.

The College submitted that Dr. Xu’s patterns of recordkeeping inadequacies including diagnosis, treatment planning, and informed consent is serious enough to constitute professional misconduct, and that his failure to respond to the College also amounts to professional misconduct.

The Discipline Panel found a concerning pattern of deficiencies in the treatment Dr. Xu provided to his patients, and found he was practicing dentistry incompetently*. The Discipline Panel found that:

“taken together, the issues with Dr. Xu’s practice, including his practice of billing up front and not completing treatment, the fact that he took advantage of elderly and vulnerable patients and the nature of his dealing with both his patients and the College are very serious and crossed a serious ethical threshold.”

Dr. Xu’s conduct overall was characterized as professional misconduct.

View the full (redacted) Discipline Panel ​Decision (PDF – 68 pages)

The next stage in the discipline process is the penalty hearing. The penalty decision will be posted here once it becomes available.

* the Discipline Panel found that the following portions of the citation have been proven: paragraph 1-8, 9(a), (c) & (d), 10(a)-(b), 11-15, 17, 21(a)(ii), 21(b)(i), 22, 24, 25(a)-(b) &(d)-(j), 26(a)-(b), (d) & (f)-(h)& (j) and 28.

​Penalty Decision Summary

​​​Posted December 10, 2019

A panel of the CDSBC Discipline Committee issued a penalty decision immediately cancelling the registration of Dr. Bin Xu. He must pay a fine of $50,000 and $48,117 towards the costs of CDSBC’s investigation.

He is not permitted to apply for reinstatement for five years. If he does apply, he will be required to complete all years of a general dentistry program and complete the National Dental Examining Board examination.

In the event that Dr. Xu is reinstated with the College, the panel imposed further conditions on his dental practice, including supervision, and he is not allowed to directly or indirectly participate in billing or receive fees for services.

Dr. Xu failed to participate in the penalty decision, despite being asked to provide submissions.​

View the penalty decision here​ (PDF) >>​