Renew your registration/certification starting next week

Beginning next week, oral health professionals will be able to renew your registration/certification with the BC College of Oral Health Professionals and submit your payment by logging in to your account online. The 2023/24 annual renewal deadline is Friday, March 31, 2023.

Dental hygienists, dentists, certified dental assistants and dental therapists: This year, you will be renewing your registration for 13 months instead of one year 

This is due to the renewal deadline having changed from February 28 to March 31. This year, annual renewal for certified dental assistants, dental therapists, dental hygienists and dentists will cover a period of 13 months rather than 12. The fee for the 13th month will be reflected in the online renewal form. Your registration/certification will not expire on February 28 as it would have in past years

Renewal requirements

 You must:  

  • meet the quality assurance requirements
  • have a valid criminal record check
  • complete the renewal process and pay required fees on or before Friday, March 31, 2023 
  • complete your own renewal and not have anyone complete it on your behalf

What happens if I do not renew by March 31?

In the event that you do not renew by the deadline, your registration/certification will lapse as of April 1, and you will not be permitted to practise. Additionally:  

  • if you practise with a lapsed registration/certification, a formal complaint may be issued against you  
  • if you choose to renew after the deadline, you must also pay a reinstatement fee

Need help? 

If you need assistance, email or call the renewal hotline at 672-202-0458 (toll-free: 1-866-329-7093).  

For more information, visit the Annual Renewal webpage.

This is your renewal notice per BCCOHP Bylaw 6.27 (4). As an oral health professional, you are required to renew your registration/certification with BCCOHP and pay the fee no later than March 31, 2023. Oral health professionals who do not renew their registration/certification and pay the fee by the deadline are not permitted to practise as of April 1, 2023.