Public Notifications

Our governing legislation requires the complaints process to be confidential. But there are circumstances that require public notification about an oral health professional. We publish when there is a serious matter (as defined by the Health Professions Act) and/or if there is a hearing or an adverse finding by the Discipline Committee. The public notifications below are also reflected in the public register.

Discipline notices or notices of complaints involving serious matters (after 2012) will be published here for ten years. Please use our contact form to obtain information older than ten years.

You can view our Complaints and Discipline Publication Policy here

A publication naming a BCCOHP oral health professional is made when a complaint outcome is determined to be a serious matter (see sections 26 and 39.3 of the HPA) and/or goes to the discipline committee. A registrant can only be disciplined once a formal discipline hearing leading to an adverse finding has taken place.

Media reporting on these notices should provide the full name and location of the oral health professional in order to avoid confusion with any other former or current oral health professional who may have a similar name or initials.

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NameDateLocationProfessional TypeIssuing College