Publication Notice: Dr. Timothy Tam

Vancouver and Delta, BC

Issuing College:



Dr. Timothy Tam is a dentist registered with the College of Dental Surgeons of BC (CDSBC) as a specialist in pediatric dentistry.

Dr. Tam has signed two Memoranda of Acknowledgement and Undertaking (MAU) with CDSBC.

The first MAU acknowledges that sedation services were provided at Broadway Anesthesia Clinic, where Dr. Tam was the director, when the facility was not compliant with CDSBC’s standards and guidelines.

The second MAU acknowledges concerns with respect to recordkeeping, informed consent protocols, patient relations and ethics.

In December 2018, CDSBC’s Inquiry Committee directed that extraordinary action be taken in order to protect the public under section 35 of the Health Professions Act. At that time, Dr. Tam signed an undertaking consenting to a limitation on his practice stating that he must immediately cease providing orthodontic treatment to all existing orthodontic cases and not diagnose, treatment plan or proceed with any new or existing patients, nor will he teach orthodontics in a study club or any other teaching environment. This limitation on Dr. Tam’s practice will remain on CDSBC’s online Registrant Lookup.


The MAUs direct that Dr. Tam:

  • ​Complete an educational program to enhance the areas of concern listed above
  • Successfully complete CDSBC’s More Tough Topics in Dentistry and Dental Recordkeeping courses
  • Review and comply with CDSBC’s Dental Recordkeeping Guidelines
  • Successfully complete a Professional/Problem-Based Ethics Course
  • Undergo a chart review and monitoring
  • Confirm he is no longer the director of any facility where sedation services are being provided, and undertake that he will not act as the director of a facility where sedation services are being provided, or in any other position where he is responsible for compliance relating to sedation services​

The Inquiry Committee determined both matters to be serious matters under the Health Professions Act (section 39.3).

View Dr. Tam’s signed ​MAUs (PDF​)​.​