Welcome to the

BC College of Oral Health Professionals

We are the regulatory body for all oral health professionals in BC.
Our role is to protect the public and promote better health outcomes for patients.

Search the register

Confirm that an oral health professional is registered with us and able to practise in BC.

Submit a complaint

Complaints that raise a concern about an oral health professional’s conduct or competence are investigated and resolved
We are required to publish certain types of regulatory action about the oral health professionals we regulate

Practice resources

Our clinical and ethical standards for practice prioritize the safety of patients

Annual Renewal

Annual renewal is now open. You can renew your registration/certification with the BC College of Oral Health Professionals and submit payment by logging in to your account.

Continuous line drawing group of people. Men and women in line art style. Text below says For the public

What patients can expect

Find the information and resources you need to support your oral health care journey.