Annual meeting recording available now

The BC College of Oral Health Professionals’ will hold our annual meeting on Thursday, November 16, 2023, from 4:30-6 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. The public and oral health professionals are invited to join the meeting, which will be held virtually (via WebEx).
We are excited to invite you in to learn more about the work we have done over the last year in pursuit of reimagined oral health care oversight. We will look back on our first year as a new regulator and towards the future of oral health regulation.
- Opening: welcome and territorial acknowledgement
- Introductions and housekeeping
- Address from the Board
- Address from the Registrar/CEO
- Auditor’s Report
- Health Professions and Occupations Act update
- Addressing questions submitted about topics within BCCOHP’s mandate
- Survey findings: providing patient centred oral health care
- Closing remarks and exercise
You can learn more about BCCOHP’s first year in our 2022-2023 annual report, which includes the consolidated financials for the seven-month period from amalgamation day on September 1, 2022, to the last day of its first fiscal year on March 31, 2023.
Please join us and learn about the making of a new regulator.
Engage with us
Our priority is to host a meeting that is meaningful and informative for all participants. We invited comments and questions in advance of the meeting via a survey that closed on November 9 in order to allow time to use them to inform the structure and content of the meeting. The question period at the meeting will explore some of the questions and comments submitted in advance as well as opening the Q&A panel for any further questions that were not previously addressed.
This notice is provided per section 3.12 of the BCCOHP Bylaws.
annual meeting annual general meeting agm