BC Health Regulators launch project to prepare for new legislation

The Province of British Columbia has passed legislation that will modernize the provincial framework for health profession regulation. When the Health Professions and Occupations Act (HPOA) comes into force, it will significantly change the framework within which regulatory colleges operate and regulate. 

The BC Health Regulators (BCHR) group has launched a major project towards ensuring that by June 15, 2025, BC’s health profession regulators will be equipped to effectively regulate in the public interest under the new HPOA. 

BCHR has issued two Requests for Proposal to support the HPOA project: 

  • The Request for Proposals for Legal Services invites submissions from lawyers who are currently licensed to practise law in BC and who maintain an office in BC, or law firms including such attorneys. 

The deadline for submission of both proposals is October 6, 2023, with a final decision by the HPOA Steering Committee expected by October 27, 2023. Please note that the request for proposal (RFP) process will give preferred consideration to Indigenous applicants. 

More information about regulatory modernization is available on the BC Health Regulators website here.