Publication Notice: Seung Yub Andrew Lee

Esquimalt, BC

Issuing College:


Reference: 2018-16
Date: October 20, 2020
Nature of Complaint: Professional misconduct of a sexual nature
Conduct and Discipline: Acknowledged the professional misconduct of a sexual nature with his employee, as well as using a controlled substance during office hours. This resulted in the following Consent Resolution:

  1. Reprimand for professional misconduct of a sexual nature and using a controlled substance during office hours;
  2. A three-month suspension;
  3. Fines in the amount of $15,000;
  4. Costs in the amount of $5,000;
  5. Coursework on the subjects of professionalism, ethics and boundaries;
  6. Counselling regarding his fitness to practice and the risk of transgressing appropriate clinical boundaries; and
  7. Undertakings not to repeat identified conduct.