Publication Notice: Dr. Stephen Raymund Torres

Burnaby, BC

Issuing College:


Dr. Stephen Torres is registered with the College of Dental Surgeons of BC (CDSBC) as a general dentist. ​


Following an investigation by CDSBC, the Inquiry Committee, which oversees investigations, directed that the Registrar issue a citation (notice of hearing) against Dr. Torres. No hearing was scheduled as the Inquiry Committee accepted a proposal for resolution from Dr. Torres, which included admissions under section 37.1 of the Health Professions Act.

Dr. Torres committed professional misconduct by failing to fully and properly implement the practice changes that he agreed to in a Memorandum of Acknowledgement and Understanding (MAU) previously entered into with CDSBC in 2013, which required him to undergo two chart reviews. The chart review identified concerns relating to Dr. Torres’ diagnosis and treatment planning, informed consent protocols and recordkeeping.


Dr. Torres has admitted to professional misconduct in that, with respect to a number of patients, he: ​

  • Failed to develop an adequate treatment plan and/or conduct the necessary diagnostic assessments to do so
  • Provided treatment without having first obtained and documented valid informed consent, including failing to provide a reasonable review of treatment options
  • Failed to maintain adequate patient records in accordance with CDSBC’s expected standard for recordkeeping


The consent order states that Dr. Torres must:

  • Successfully complete CDSBC’s More Tough Topics in Dentistry and Dental Recordkeeping courses and review CDSBC’s Dental Recordkeeping Guidelines
  • Successfully complete the Medical Ethics and Professionalism course
  • Complete a comprehensive assessment of his knowledge, skills and abilities with a CDSBC-designated mentor, prior to returning to clinical practice
  • After completing the comprehensive assessment listed above, participate in a clinical mentorship with a CDSBC-designated mentor, following his return to clinical practice
  • Pay $2,000 to CDSBC towards the costs of the investigation

This is a summary of the consent order approved by the Inquiry Committee on January 29, 2021. Full details are available in the consent order package (PDF)​​.