Publication Notice: Mandeep (Mindy) Sahota

Surrey, B.C.
Dental hygienist

Issuing College:


As per Section 39.3 of the Health Professions Act the following public notice is given:

Name of Registrant:       Mandeep (Mindy) Sahota

Action taken:    

In accordance with section 33(6)(c) of the Actthe Inquiry Committee determined that this was an appropriate case to seek a consent order with terms that required the Registrant not to repeat the conduct of: (a) failing to adequately assess the client’s needs and failing to adequately perform periodontal probing in accordance with para. 3 of the CDHBC Practice Standards; (b) failing to complete proper charting in accordance with para. 8 of the CDHBC Practice Standards. The Registrant, who transferred to non-practising status, also undertakes not to seek reinstatement of full registration with the College until she successfully completes the requirements set out below.
In the event that the Registrant seeks reinstatement of full registration with the College, she undertakes to first:

  •  successfully complete, at her cost, a dental hygiene retraining program and such program to be approved in advance in writing by the Registrar, and to provide documentary evidence confirming that she has successfully completed the program to the College; and:
  •  successfully complete any outstanding requirements imposed by the Quality Assurance Committee as part of her Directed Learning Plan.

In the event the Registrant is reinstated as a full registrant with the College, she undertakes to:

  • immediately practice under the direct supervision of a full registrant of the College, such registrant to be approved in advance in writing by the Registrar, for a period of one (1) year following her return to full registration practice and to  provide a detailed supervision plan to the Inquiry Committee for approval prior to the commencement of her supervised practice and to make any changes to that plan on the terms that the Inquiry Committee directs;
  • consent to the supervisor providing quarterly supervision reports to the Inquiry Committee outlining her progress, any areas of deficiency or concern, and steps taken to address those areas of deficiency or concern. The Registrant will be solely responsible for the costs of supervision, including the preparation and submission of supervision reports, and the requirement to pay such costs forthwith upon receipt of invoices from the College constitutes a term of the Consent Agreement;
  • upon completion of the period of supervision, to establish a mentorship relationship with a full registrant at her cost, such mentor to be approved in advance by the Registrar, and to communicate on not less than a bi-weekly basis with the mentor regarding practice issues for a period of not less than three (3) years;
  • cooperate with random site-based audits by a College appointed inspector at any time for a period of three (3) years from the date of her return to practice as a full registrant. The Registrant acknowledges that the frequency and timing of the random audits is at the sole discretion of the Inquiry Committee, she will be solely responsible for all audit costs (including the inspector fees and disbursements) and the requirement to pay such costs forthwith upon receipt of invoices from the College constitutes a term of the Consent Agreement; and
  • take such further remedial action directed by the Inquiry Committee, on the terms directed by the Inquiry Committee, in the event that any area(s) of deficiency are identified by the supervisor or during the random audits.
  • The Registrant acknowledges that the Consent Agreement relates to a “serious matter” requiring public notification under s. 39.3 of the Act.

Reasons for Action taken:

The Inquiry Committee determined that it would seek a consent order from the Registrant under ss. 33(6)(c) and 36 of the Health Professions Act (the “Act”) was concerned that the Registrant (a) failed to adequately assess the client’s needs by failing to adequately perform periodontal probing in accordance with para 3 of the CDHBC Practice Standards; (b) failed to complete proper charting in accordance with para. 8 of the CDHBC Practice Standards; and (c) failed to demonstrate adequate skills in periodontal probing.