The College of Dental Surgeons of British Columbia is introducing an assessment process for moderate sedation facilities. Starting this spring, all dental facilities that provide moderate sedation (parental or enteral) will be required to participate in a confidential assessment process that includes both self-assessments and in-office assessments.
This new process will ensure compliance with the College’s Minimal and Moderate Sedation Services in Dentistry Standards and Guidelines and requires facility owners to correct any deficiencies that are identified through the assessment process. It also provides an opportunity for dentists providing moderate sedation to reflect on their practice and to assess their own knowledge, skills and abilities.
The sedation assessments will be conducted under the authority of the Sedation and General Anesthesia Committee with approval from the College Board.
Self-assessments to be completed by July 29, 2022
All facility owners who have informed the College that their facility provides moderate sedation services will receive a self-assessment package later this month, delivered electronically.
Self-assessments will involve documenting facility staff credentials, biomedical equipment maintenance and drug inventories. Self-assessment packages will be distributed electronically by April 19, 2022 and must be completed and submitted to the College by July 29, 2022. All identified deficiencies must be rectified, and proof of rectification must be submitted to the College for review.
If you are a facility owner and you do not receive a self-assessment package by April 22, 2022, please get in touch with the sedation team via the contact form.
Four-year assessment cycle
The assessment cycle for moderate sedation facilities will be four years, one of which will require an in-office assessment by College-appointed sedation assessors:
- In the first year of the cycle (2022-23), all moderate sedation facilities will complete a self-assessment.
- Between years two and four of the cycle, each moderate sedation facility will be visited and assessed once by a College-appointed assessment team. Depending on the findings, additional assessments may be required. Annual self-assessments will be required in the years other than the year when an in-office facility assessment is conducted.
- The four-year cycle is repeated until moderate sedation services are no longer provided in the facility.
Registrants may continue provision of moderate sedation services while completing their assessments, unless directed otherwise.
Assessment fees
The Moderate Sedation Self-Assessment Fee is $360. The fee for in-office assessments will be $2,500. All fees can be found in the Board-approved Schedule “A” Fees.
Questions about this assessment process can be directed to the sedation team via the contact form.