Registering to provide sedation (for individuals)

Registrants must be approved by BCCOHP to provide moderate sedation, deep sedation, and/or general anesthesia before providing these services.

Registrants are required to submit their Registration of Qualifications application along with the necessary documents. The Registration of Qualifications application fee is $150.

Please send documents to our contact form in a single PDF file. Only complete submissions will be accepted.

Note: In accordance with the Pediatric Moratorium Update in 2019, only the following registrants may provide moderate sedation services to patients 12 years of age and under in out-of-hospital dental facilities:

  • Registrants who are qualified and authorized to provide deep sedation and/or general anesthesia
  • Registrants who have completed training in a formal post graduate program in pediatric dentistry that meets BCCOHP Standards and is authorized to provide moderate sedation services by BCCOHP.
