
BCCOHP serves the public by regulating 16,000 oral health professionals, including certified dental assistants, dental hygienists, dental technicians, dental therapists, dentists and denturists. 

There are three main ways that the BC College of Oral Health Professionals protects the public:

Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan 2024-27: BCCOHP is delivering on the promise of modernized professional regulation of the oral health team.

Regulatory Decision Making

Our regulatory approach to decision making prioritizes public safety while being fair, inclusive, and responsive to diverse needs. It is a set of principles to help guide regulatory decision making. By sharing it, we aim to demonstrate how we make decisions and what to expect from us as a regulator.   

View a brief video about the Regulatory Approach >> 

Read our “Regulatory Approach” >>


The Board sets the direction of BCCOHP and has oversight of our regulatory performance. It is accountable to the Minister of Health.

Cultural Safety and Humility

Our commitment is to safeguard the public from harm and discrimination in BC’s oral health sector.


Committees are established by the Board and integral to our work of public protection.


The work of professional regulation is done by our staff team, under the direction of the Registrar/CEO.


Our work is directed by BC’s Health Professions Act, the BCCOHP Bylaws, and the profession-specific regulations.

Annual Reports

Annual reports highlight performance over the previous year.

Work With Us

View job postings and committee vacancies.