Inventory: legacy college practice resources removed from website for Board consideration

Last updated: May 2024

BCCOHP is currently working to create professional and ethical standards for all regulated oral health professionals. 

All standards and guidance documents for clinical and ethical practice and other practice resources previously ported over to BCCOHP from the legacy oral health colleges upon amalgamation on September 1, 2022, are currently under review by the Professional Standards Working Group on behalf of the Standards and Guidance Committee. Where there are questions of statutory alignment with current Ministry of Health regulations and BCCOHP Bylaws, those documents have not been rescinded but are being removed from BCCOHP’s public website to allow further consideration by the Board 

A list of the removed documents to date is below. 

All oral health professionals

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Infection Prevention and Control & Oral Health Care During the COVID-19 PandemicMay 7, 2024

Certified dental assistants, dentists and dental therapists

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Bylaw 12 Interpretive Guidelines: Advertising and Promotional ActivitiesJanuary 22, 2024
Digital impressions are not a restricted activityJanuary 22, 2024
Use of dermal fillers remains outside the scope of practice of dentistsApril 5, 2024
Sample charts and forms for dental recordkeepingJuly 15, 2024

Dental hygienists

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Marketing interpretive guidanceJanuary 22, 2024

Dental technicians

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The Basics for Patients and the PublicJanuary 22, 2024


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Interpretive Guidance for Definition of Fit Relating to Implant OverdenturesApril 5, 2024