Publication Notice: Dr. Doochul Shin

Coquitlam, B.C.

Issuing College:


Dr. Doochul Shin has signed a memorandum of agreement and understanding (MAU) acknowledging concerns that his professionalism and ethical behaviour in the context of dentist/staff boundaries were not in keeping with the standards expected in B.C. This has resulted in a condition being placed on his practice that he will not be alone with any female employee in a clinical setting without a second employee being present and will not take any female employee into his private office unless accompanied by another employee.

The MAU requires Dr. Shin to agree to:

  • Achieve an unconditional pass in a professional ethics course;
  • Receive psychological counselling at his own expense with a workplace psychologist approved by the College (who will report back to the Inquiry Committee on the outcome);
  • Authorize his psychologist to update and advise the College if there is a risk that he is at risk of transgressing appropriate clinical boundaries;
  • A reprimand;
  • A suspension from practice for a period of two months beginning January 1, 2018 and ending February 28, 2018; and
  • A $5,000 fine.

The Inquiry Committee considered this to be a serious matter under the Health Professions Act, and for this reason, ordered that a summary be published pursuant to section 39.3 of the Act.

View Dr. Shin’s signed MAU (redacted PDF)