Practice Resources

As an oral health professional registered with BCCOHP, you are expected to meet standards for clinical and ethical practice. You will also need to meet quality assurance requirements that support your continuing competence throughout your career.

There are three main ways that the BC College of Oral Health Professionals protects the public:

Oral health professionals are reminded that they are ultimately accountable and responsible for understanding and interpreting any limits or conditions that might appear in Ministry Regulations and BCCOHP Bylaws regarding restricted titles and scope of practice. Please reach out to BCCOHP’s Professional Practice team if you have any questions regarding the provision of any aspect of practice or defined restricted activities.   

BCCOHP Standards and Guidance Project Update

BCCOHP is working to create professional and ethical standards for all regulated oral health professionals.

All standards and guidance documents for clinical and ethical practice and other practice resources previously ported over to BCCOHP from the legacy oral health colleges upon amalgamation on September 1, 2022, are currently under review by Standards and Guidance Committee. Where there are questions of statutory alignment with current Ministry of Health regulations and BCCOHP Bylaws, those documents have not been rescinded but are being removed from BCCOHP’s public website to allow further consideration by the Board. A list of documents under review can be found here.

Learn more about the standards and guidance development initiative >>

Practice standards​ and guidance

Oral health professionals must meet clinical and ethical expectations for practice

Quality assurance​

This program ensures that oral health professionals stay up to date and are able to practise safely​

Sedation program

There are specific requirements for the administration of sedation and general anesthesia in dentistry 

Learning opportunities

BCCOHP has a growing base of options that allow you to earn continuing education (CE) credits anywhere and at your own pace