Practice Resources for Denturists

Our practice-related resources provide important guidance for registrants in meeting the standards of practice. Denturists are responsible for reading BCCOHP’s publications to ensure they are aware of current news and of BCCOHP policies, standards and guidelines.

Oral health professionals are reminded that they are ultimately accountable and responsible for understanding and interpreting any limits or conditions that might appear in Ministry Regulations and BCCOHP Bylaws regarding restricted titles and scope of practice. Please reach out to BCCOHP’s Professional Practice team if you have any questions regarding the provision of any aspect of practice or defined restricted activities.   

BCCOHP Standards Project Update

BCCOHP is working to create new standards for all regulated oral health professionals.

All standards and guidance documents and other practice resources previously ported over to BCCOHP from the legacy oral health colleges upon amalgamation on September 1, 2022, are currently under review by the Standards and Guidance Committee. Where there are questions of currency, relevance, and/or statutory alignment with current Ministry of Health regulations and BCCOHP Bylaws, those documents have not been rescinded but are being removed from BCCOHP’s public website to allow further consideration by the Board. A list of documents under review can be found here.

Learn more about the standards development project >>

Standards and Guidance


These practice standards are from the legacy College of Denturists of BC.

This section describes the standards to which denturists are expected to practice in British Columbia.

Denturist Practice

The practice of denturism means:

  • provision of professional services, as permitted by the regulations, which encompass evaluation, pre-treatment, treatment, and post-treatment of a
  • professional administration of clinical, laboratory, and business practices related to the practice of denturism.

Standards of Practice

A registrant must demonstrate, at all times, a level of knowledge which ensures the adequate protection of the public. Areas of requisite knowledge include:

  • ethics and responsibilities
    • demonstrate a knowledge of the Health Professions Act, the regulations and College of Oral Health Professionals bylaws;
    • communicate the responsibilities of a professional to patients, peers, members of the public, and other professionals.
  • principles of business
    • demonstrate knowledge of general business practices including principles of accounting, record keeping, basic tax law, basic lease information, basic proprietary and corporate implications on practice, personnel management, and insurance requirements.
  • principles of communication
    • demonstrate the ability to communicate in both written and oral forms with patients requiring basic information, peers, other professionals, and staff.
  • general and bio-sciences
    • describe basic principles of chemistry, biology, psychology, general anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, pharmacology, histology, embryology;
    • describe advanced principles in head, neck and oral anatomy; head, neck and oral physiology; gnathology; gerontology; psychology; periodontology; pathology; and microbiology.
  • removable dental prosthetic sciences
    • describe the theoretical basis of prosthetic care;
    • demonstrate the tasks required to complete clinical and laboratory requirements of practice including documentation, treatment planning, and selection of appropriate dental materials.
  • principles of critical analysis
    • demonstrate skill in self-evaluation, problem solving, self-reflection, and constructive criticism.
  • clinical skills
    • demonstrate tasks related to the clinical practice of denturism.
  • laboratory skills
    • demonstrate tasks related to the laboratory practice of denturism.
  • patient management skills
    • demonstrate skill in managing patients from differing socio-economic, cultural, and generational backgrounds;
    • manage the referral of patients to appropriate health care providers as required;
    • document each interaction with patients and other health care providers;
    • maintain complete patient patient records.
  • treatment planning
    • demonstrate the ability to prepare different treatment plans for a patient;
    • estimate and explain the potential for success based on proposed differing treatments.
  • sterilization and infection control
    • demonstrate aseptic techniques and environmental controls to ensure adequate hygienic environment.

This code of ethics is from the legacy College of Denturists of BC.

This section contains the College code of ethics. 


Every registrant is charged with the duty to uphold the honour and dignity of the profession of denturism and to adhere strictly to the principles set forth in this code.

The profession is given the privilege of self-governance under the Act and, accordingly, registrants must understand the Act, the regulations, and the bylaws and must strictly observe or perform their duties and obligations thereunder.

To uphold and advance the honour and dignity of the profession and its high standards of ethical conduct, registrants must:

  • be honest and impartial in serving their patients, the public and their profession;
  • strive to increase the competence and status of their profession;
  • use their knowledge and skill to improve the health and well-being of their patients and the public; and
  • respect the dignity and professional status of, and professional relationships with, their colleagues.

Duty to the Public

The duty of the registrants to the public includes:

  • educating the public in the promotion of oral and removable prosthodontic health, but presentations for such purposes must be in accordance with generally accepted professional standards and must not contravene these bylaws with respect to marketing or professional services;
  • providing leadership in community activities whose purpose is to improve the health and well being of the individual and the community;
  • publicizing any advance or discovery in any branch of removable prosthetic science in journals and professional publication; and
  • not making any statement or declaration or sign any certificate or any other document, or induce or permit a patient to sign any certificate or document which they know or ought to know to be untrue, misleading, or otherwise improper.

Duty to Patients

The duty of registrants to patients includes:

  • maintaining patient confidentiality except as may be necessary to divulge such information as contained elsewhere in these bylaws or in connection with investigations by the inquiry committee under section 33 of the Act, or except to the extent the patient has expressly agreed that the registrant may release specific information;
  • consulting and providing treatment to any member of the public or, if they are unavailable, to make alternate arrangements;
  • maintaining their knowledge of denturism; and
  • rendering treatment only in accordance with current professional standards, except that a registrant may use experimental methods and materials in treatment provided such methods and materials:
    • are within the bounds of accepted scientific criteria for well designed experiments, such as the human experimental protocol established by the University of British Columbia, for research and other studies involving human subjects in effect from time to time;
    • have been approved in writing by the College;
    • are used in accordance with the requirements set forth in that approval; and
    • are explained to patients as being experimental and the range and possible results and problems of the experiment are conveyed.

Registrants may treat patients only when they are qualified by training or experience to carry out the treatment plan. Registrants must always be willing to check their diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis by consultation with fellow practitioners or specialist in the field of dentistry or medicine pertaining to the case under consideration. Registrants must be willing to refer a patient when advisable.

Registrants must protect the health of their patients at all times by not delegating or referring any duty or procedure to a person who is not qualified to perform such duty or procedure by skill or training, or by licensure if required under the Act, the regulations or these bylaws, and by not condoning or being a party to such delegations or referrals. Registrants must ensure the actions of all personnel within their employ or control comply with the Act, the regulations, and these bylaws.

Registrants must keep adequate records of all clinical findings, diagnosis and treatment with respect to each of their patients. When a registrant who is presently treating a patient requests records for another registrant who has formerly treated the patient, the registrant must make copies of those records available to the attending registrant only where the patient has instructed that the records be transmitted and has given his/her consent for their release.

A registrant who is providing service to the former patient of another registrant should make every effort to obtain a copy of the patient’s records from the previous registrant.

Duty to the Profession

The duty of registrants to the profession includes:

  • supporting and providing advancement of the profession; and
  • providing the highest standard of care and accepting full responsibility for treatments provided.

Duty to Colleagues

Registrants should not:

  • comment or pass judgement on the qualifications of, or procedures rendered by, other registrants unless
    • such comment is in the best interests of the patient’s health and well being;
    • the registrant has been subpoenaed as a witness and is testifying under oath.
  • compete for patients or professional services by methods which would adversely affect the honour, dignity, or credibility of the profession; or
  • compare their professional competence to that of other registrants.

In the event of a consultation, registrants should render only the treatment which was specifically requested.

Note: The legacy College of Denturists of BC referred to the denturist association’s infection prevention and control guidelines.

Read the Denturist Association of Canada document here. >>

Read the summary document here. >>

On February 24, 2020, the Ministry of Health announced amendments to the regulations (scope of practice statements) for dental hygienists, dental technicians, denturists and dentists. One significant change that may affect the provision of services provided by denturists is the amended definition of prescription.

The Denturists Regulation now defines a prescription as “an authorization, issued by a person who is authorized under the Act to prescribe a partial denture or overdenture, to dispense a partial denture or overdenture for use by a named individual”.

What is an authorization?

An authorization is permission or authority to do something.

Who is authorized to prescribe a partial denture or overdenture?

Dentists are authorized under the Health Professions Act to prescribe a partial denture or overdenture as part of the patient’s treatment plan. The dentist and denturist must work collaboratively to ensure the treatment options are appropriate.

Prescription Guidance

1.    Prescriptions for dispensing a partial denture or overdenture to a patient may be written or verbal.

The authorization can be provided by a written prescription from the dentist for the patient or over the phone following the collaborative care discussions between the dentist and the denturist.

2.    Prescriptions must be based on collaborative discussion and decision- making amongst the patient and the oral healthcare team.

The decision to prescribe a partial denture or overdenture will be based on collaborative discussion and decision-making amongst the patient, the denturist and the dentist. This process will serve to enhance collaborative care amongst the entire dental team. Collaborative care includes pre-treatment assessment of the patient and review of the patient’s medical record by all parties, and determination through discussion between the denturist and dentist of the patient’s needs for and expectation of the partial or overdenture. The denturist and the dentist each must take responsibility according to their scope of practice.

If the prescription requires a dental technician to assist with the development of a partial denture or overdenture, the dental technician must review the prescription and be included in the discussion with the rest of the oral healthcare team and the patient.

3.    Oral healthcare providers must have the education, knowledge and skills to authorize and fill the prescription.

When a dentist creates a prescription, they must only authorize or request procedures with which they are familiar. This ensures that they are aware that the authorization or request is reasonable under the prevailing conditions, and that they would be able to assist with the management of circumstances that may occur during the completion of the prescription. If they are unfamiliar with the procedures or conditions potentially addressed by the prescription, the dentist should refer the patient to a practitioner with experience providing that service.

When a denturist receives a prescription, they must confirm that they understand the content of the prescription, and that they have the education, training, acquired skills, equipment and materials to undertake that portion of the work or treatment for which they will be responsible. If a denturist does not have the required competencies, they should refer the patient to another practitioner with experience providing that service.

4.    Denturists must examine the patient to ensure they are in suitable condition for treatment.

The denturist must examine the patient to ensure they are in suitable condition for the treatment to be undertaken. Where circumstances appear to be unsuitable for placement of a prosthesis, a discussion with the prescribing dentist is necessary. For example:

  • teeth that appear to have been inadequately prepared to receive a partial denture;
  • the presence of mobile teeth that have not been stabilized; or
  • inflamed oral tissues that have not been sufficiently prepared for receipt of a removable prosthesis.

A dentist may choose to issue a prescription for a given patient to cover a specific timeframe (e.g. three to six months). If this is the case, it is expected that the denturist will review, update and document the patient’s medical status as well as revisit and determine the need for the partial denture or overdenture prior to dispensing. The denturist must engage the prescribing dentist in discussion should any changes be required.

5.    Patient records must include thorough documentation of those discussions and decisions, including the authorization by the dentist.

It is expected the patient’s treatment record will include:

  • The name of the denturist and dentist involved in the treatment.
  • The type of denture being prescribed.
  • The reason and/or rationale for the need to prescribe the partial denture or overdenture.
  • Documentation about the prescription. If the dentist provides a verbal prescription, the denturist must document this in the patient record and sign it. If the dentist has provided a written prescription for the patient, a signed copy must be included in the patient’s record.
  • Any modifications to the prescription, whether written or verbal.

Reference documents:

  • Ministerial Order M041 with amendments to regulations for Dental Hygienists, Dental Technicians, Dentists and Denturists (February 24, 2020)
  • Health Professions Act: Denturists Regulation

The Interpretive Guidance for Definition of Fit Relating to Implant Overdentures, previously ported over to BCCOHP from the legacy College of Denturists of BC was removed from BCCOHP’s public website on April 5, 2024 to allow consideration by the Board regarding its statutory alignment with current Ministry of Health regulations and BCCOHP Bylaws

Policy/Guideline Statements

Refer to section 15.03 (page 134) in the BCCOHP Bylaws for more information about marketing standards. 

Note: The legacy College of Denturists of BC referred to the denturist association’s infection prevention and control guidelines.


Infection prevention and control is an important part of safe patient care. BCCOHP’s practice standards state,

A registrant must demonstrate, at all times, a level of knowledge which ensures the adequate protection of the public. Areas of requisite knowledge are:

  • sterilization and infection control
    • demonstrate aseptic techniques and environmental controls to ensure adequate hygienic environment.

Denturists must maintain the standards of practice of the profession and, accordingly, must ensure that appropriate infection prevention and control procedures are carried out in their practices.

Policy Statement

The British Columbia College of Oral Health Professionals has adopted the Denturist Association of Canada’s infection control recommendations as the acceptable standards for infection prevention and control in a denturist’s practice.


It is the responsibility of the British Columbia of Oral Health Professionals (BCCOHP) to ensure that the public receives denturist services free from professional misconduct of a sexual nature, and that each patient is treated with respect.

Professional Environment

Professional misconduct of a sexual nature is prohibited by law under the Criminal Code, the Canadian Human Rights Act, the BC Human Rights Code and by the professional standards and guidelines of BCCOHP.

BCCOHP believes that the professional environment must protect the dignity and self-esteem of patients who seek the services of a registrant of BCCOHP, and must be free from misconduct of a sexual nature.

What Constitutes Professional Misconduct of a Sexual Nature?

Professional misconduct of a sexual nature includes unwelcome sexual attention, sexual solicitation or other sexually-oriented remarks or behaviour. It may be written, verbal, physical or psychological in nature. Both males and females may be the subject of sexual misconduct by members of either sex. Examples are:

  •  sexual gestures or expressions;
  • leering or staring, particularly at intimate areas;
  • sexually suggestive remarks, innuendoes and jokes about a person’s sex life, appearance or sexual attractiveness;
  • persistent unwelcome contact, such as standing close or brushing against a person unnecessarily;
  • hugging, kissing or touching without a person’s permission; and
  • sexual assault.
Policy Statement

The registrant-patient relationship is built on trust. The patient trusts that the registrant will treat them in a professional manner.

Sexual involvement of any kind is unacceptable in the registrant-patient relationship, even if the patient consents. BCCOHP does not condone romantic or sexual relationships between registrant and a current patient.

A Serious Offence

BCCOHP considers professional misconduct of a sexual nature to be a serious offence. It is subject to the full range of disciplinary measures available to BCCOHP, including fines and/or suspension.

Complaints concerning professional misconduct of a sexual nature will be investigated by the Inquiry Committee and any other necessary organization, such as the Police.

Filing a Complaint

Any complaint about a registrant of BCCOHP concerning professional misconduct of a sexual nature should be submitted to this page.

All formal allegations or complaints of sexual misconduct received will be dealt with in a fair, unbiased and timely manner with due consideration for the rights and responsibilities of everyone involved.


To ensure that registrants of the British Columbia College of Oral Health Professionals (BCCOHP) meet the standards related to patient recordkeeping. In addition, for registrants to review their current recordkeeping practices to confirm they comply with the recommendations outlined in this Guideline.

Guideline Statement

Registrants must meet the professional, ethical and legal patient recordkeeping requirements as outlined in BCCOHP’s bylaws.

To ensure that proper patient records are being kept, registrants should adhere to the following principles:

  • Each entry must be dated and written in permanent ink or be in an acceptable electronic format.
  • All written information must be
  • Entries are not to be altered, but added as an amendment with changes/corrections, date of amendment and signature/initials.
  • Sign or initial after each entry, whether electronic or paper
  • Do not write offensive or gratuitous Only include information that is relevant to the patient record.
  • Document the following (at minimum):
    • treatment plan and estimated cost of the treatment
    • risks or limitations of the treatment
    • all discussions and decisions that were made
    • relevant medical history
    • patient progress
    • investigations and results
    • consent and referrals

Confidentiality and Security

Under the Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA) of BC, rules and procedures have been established for the collection, use and care of patient personal information.

Part 8.02 (2) of BCCOHP’s bylaws state that you must collect, dispose, and disclose patient information in accordance with PIPA, maintain the confidentiality of patient information, and ensure it is safely and securely stored and disposed of.

Registrants must keep patient records for a period of 16 years from the date of the last recorded entry.

Disclosure of Patient Records

Personal information or records of a patient cannot be disclosed unless:

  • you have express consent from the patient
  • you are required to disclose by the Court
  • you are required to disclose by statute
  • it is in the interest of public safety

Personal Protection

The presence of complete, up-to-date and accurate patient records are vital in protecting registrants and their practice against a complaint or clinical negligence.

This policy is from the legacy College of Denturists of BC (CDBC).


The legacy College of Denturists of BC believes that the professional environment must protect the dignity and self- esteem of patients who seek the services of a registrant. CDBC is committed to ensuring that the public receives services from a registrant that are free from professional misconduct and that each patient is treated with respect.

The registrant is in a fiduciary relationship with his or her patients and, as such, has ethical and legal responsibilities to act in the patient’s best interests.

Policy Statement

Professional Boundaries

Professional boundaries must be established between the registrant and patient, ensuring that:

  • the patient is able to provide full, free and informed consent;
  • patient autonomy is maintained at all times; and
  • the registrant provides objective care to every patient.

Registrants must always maintain appropriate professional boundaries in their relationship with patients. This supports objectivity and the ability to keep the patient’s interests as the primary focus for treatment and service delivery.

Professional judgement is required for registrants to make the best decision in determining professional boundaries. This can be difficult, since professional boundaries change over time depending on the person and the situation. For example, boundary crossings may be difficult to manage if a registrant is working in small, rural or remote areas where access to alternative health care providers is limited. However, there are circumstances in which it is never

acceptable to cross a professional boundary, such as entering into a sexual relationship with a current patient (refer to CDBC Policy: Misconduct of a Sexual Nature).

A boundary crossing occurs where you permit another type of relationship or feelings toward or from a patient to interfere with your professional registrant-patient relationship. Registrants must:

  • accept responsibility for boundary crossings and violations as they occur;
  • discuss any identified professional boundary issues with the patient;
  • clarify roles and set or re-establish professional boundaries;
  • where there is a potential or actual professional boundary

issue that cannot be adequately resolved, arrange for patient treatment and care by another registrant or appropriate health care professional and end the registrant-patient relationship, ensuring that the patient is not adversely affected by any interruption in denture care.

Be sure to document any boundary violation that occurs, including the action taken to re-establish the professional boundaries of the relationship.

Registrant-Patient Relationship

An essential part to a registrant-patient relationship is the requirement for the registrant to obtain each patient’s informed consent in relation to any treatment being offered or provided by the registrant. Informed consent refers to the process where the registrant and patient engage in a conversation and/or documents are provided to the patient that describe the proposed treatment, consequences, benefits, risks and alternative treatment options.

Informed consent must be obtained at the beginning of the registrant-patient relationship and will continue as an ongoing process throughout the professional relationship.

The registrant-patient relationship is built on trust. When in the care of a registrant, the patient trusts that the registrant is a professional and will treat them in a professional manner. Exercising good professional judgement is essential in preventing violation of these boundaries.

CDBC does not condone the following registrant-patient relations:

  • romantic or sexual relationship between registrant and a current patient;
  • monetary gain from patients outside of the cost of the service/care provided; and
  • bartering or exchanging health care services for other goods or services with a patient.

Professional Misconduct of a Sexual Nature

Professional misconduct may include unwelcome sexual attention, sexual solicitation or other sexually oriented remarks or behaviour. It may be written, verbal, physical or psychological in nature. It is important to recognize that both males and females may be the subject of sexual misconduct by members of either sex. Professional misconduct of a sexual nature is prohibited by law under the Criminal Code, the Canadian Human Rights Act, the BC Human Rights Code and by the professional standards and guidelines of legacy CDBC. (Refer to CDBC Policy: Misconduct of a Sexual Nature.)


When accepting a gift from a patient, registrants are required to use good judgement and to consider the following questions:

  • will accepting this gift change the registrant-patient relationship?
  • is the gift that is offered appropriate, including the monetary value?
  • what is the patient’s intention in offering the gift? and
  • will the patient expect a different level of service if the gift is accepted?

Treating Family Members

Family members can be defined as a registrant’s spouse or partner, parent, child, sibling, grandparent or grandchild. It may also be the

immediate family of a registrant’s spouse or partner. CDBC does not have a policy prohibiting the treatment of family members, however, if a registrant chooses to treat a family member, the following questions should be considered before treatment:

  • could the relationship prevent the registrant from acting in this person’s best interests?
  • could treating this person be difficult because it would be too uncomfortable to ask the questions required to make a

proper diagnosis?

  • could this person feel uncomfortable providing truthful answers that are necessary for the diagnosis? and
  • would the relationship with this person make it difficult to maintain registrant-patient confidentiality?

If the answer is ‘yes’ to any of the questions above, it is not advisable to proceed with treatment. If you consider treating a family member, that person should be treated with the same level of professionalism you would extend to any other patient.

Social Media

There are many social media tools available for health care professionals, including, but not limited to, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube and various blogging sites. These tools can be used to enhance professional networking and education, however, they also present potential risks. CDBC expects registrants to comply with professional expectations and the Code of Ethics when participating in social media platforms. Registrants are required to understand some of the potential risks when using social media outlets inappropriately, including.

  • damage to professional image;
  • breaches in patient privacy;
  • violation of registrant-patient boundaries; and
  • licensing and/or legal


BCCOHP considers any professional misconduct, including misconduct of a sexual nature, a serious offence. It is subject to the full range of disciplinary measures available to legacy CDBC, including fines and/or suspensions. Complaints concerning professional misconduct of a sexual nature will be investigated by the Inquiry Committee and any other necessary organization, such as the police.

Filing a Complaint

Any complaint about a registrant of legacy CDBC, including professional misconduct of a sexual nature, should be submitted here

All formal allegations or complaints of misconduct received will be dealt with in a fair, unbiased and timely manner with due consideration for the rights and responsibilities of everyone involved.


Governance of Denturists

This section provides a brief history of denturist governance and a graphic representation of the legal framework for denturist practice in British Columbia.


Effective December 5, 1995, governance of denturists in British Columbia was repealed from the Dental Technicians and Denturists Act and established under the Health Professions Act. The governing body created under the authority of this Act is the British Columbia College of Oral Health Professionals.

Responsibility for “self-regulation” by a profession has been delegated by government to members of that profession with the understanding that they have the specific expertise to govern appropriately. The privilege of setting one’s own rules emphasizes the important responsibility of ensuring that risk to the public is minimized.

Health Professions Act

The Health Professions Act, passed in 1990, provides legislation under which health professions will regulate themselves in this province. It allows for the establishment of colleges, sets out the responsibilities of boards of those colleges, and provides general direction regarding requirements for governing the members of the profession.

The Health Professions Act establishes the Health Professions Council. The Council is specifically tasked with the responsibility of reviewing any health profession applying to be regulated under this Act and recommending to the Minister of Health whether or not it is in the public interest for that health profession to be designated under this Act.

The Health Professions Council also may recommend to the Minister of Health the services that are allowed to be performed by a health profession and limitations on the performance of these services by registrants of that health profession. A copy of the Health Professions Act may be found in Section 10 of this handbook.

Denturists Regulation

On recommendation of the Minister of Health, the Lieutenant Governor in Council may, by regulation, designate a health profession under the Health Professions Act. This regulation is specific to each health profession and may prescribe the name used by the body as well as the services that registrants may perform, including limitations and conditions on these services. A copy of the Denturists Regulation may be found in Section 10 of this page.


Each college designated by regulation under the Health Professions Act is required to create bylaws for the operation of the college. The Health Professions Act specifically lists the areas and tasks these bylaws may regulate for the college. Bylaws require approval by the Lieutenant Governor in Council by an Order in Council.

These bylaws establish the operational framework of the governing board, and include the duties and responsibilities of the board, qualifications required by registrants, investigation and discipline of registrants, standards of practice, and code of ethics. Registrants are encouraged to become familiar with these bylaws. The most current version is to be kept in Section 9 of this handbook.

Freedom of Information/Protection of Privacy Act

The College is a public body under this Act. Many documents are public and releasable under this Act. Public documents are available from the College’s website. If documentation that you wish is not available there, please submit a written request to the Registrar indicating the records you are requesting.

Legal Framework for the Practice of Denturism

Health Professions Act

Legislation that allows denturists, as a health profession, to be self-regulated.

Describes the duties and responsibilities of a college to the public and to the registrants.

Denturists Regulation

Legislation which designates the BCCOHP as the governing body for denturists under the Health Professions Act.

Establishes the services and limitations on services provided by the denturist profession.


Governs the operation of the BCCOHP as well as the registration and licensure of denturists in British Columbia.

Freedom of Information/Protection of Privacy Act

The College is a public body under this Act.

Governs the operation of the BCCOHP as well as the registration and licensure of denturists in British Columbia.

View the BCCOHP Bylaws here >>