Dental Hygienist Registration Resources

In order to be legally entitled to practise dental hygiene in British Columbia, dental hygienists must be registered with the British Columbia College of Oral Health Professionals. 

Only registrants of the British Columbia College of Oral Health Professionals are licensed and legally entitled to practice dental hygiene in BC and use the title “Registered Dental Hygienist.” 

If you have questions, please use our contact form or call us at the numbers listed below:

  • 672-202-0448
  • Toll-free within Canada: 1-888-202-0448

If you are a non-practising or former dental hygienist who was previously registered with BCCOHP, you must reinstate your registration in order to return to practice. 

How to reinstate 

Dental hygienists who wish to reinstate your registration must: 

  • submit a completed online reinstatement application 
  • provide proof of professional liability insurance 
  • provide valid contact information 
  • submit relevant Quality Assurance Program information  
  • have a valid five-year Criminal Record Check (CRC)  
  • pay the registration fee 
  • pay the reinstatement fee (per Schedule A of the BCCOHP Bylaws) 

Note: Please use a laptop or desktop computer as some applicants have experienced difficulties using a mobile device or tablet.

Submitting payment 

The online reinstatement system for dental hygienists accepts payment by Visa and Mastercard credit cards. 

If you have questions, please use our contact form or call us at the numbers listed below:

  • 672-202-0448
  • Toll-free within Canada: 1-888-202-0448

If the applicant is currently registered in good standing in the ‘Registered Dental Hygienist’ category or equivalent in another Canadian jurisdiction recognized under the Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA), they are eligible to register in BC without being required to take any additional examinations prior to registration.

All information required regarding registration in good standing and CFTA is requested in the Registration Application. Please review the Registration Application carefully and provide all information required regarding registration in another Canadian jurisdiction. You can find more information about the registration process in our Registration Information Guide, as well as our checklist of the requirements.

The BCCOHP will require a valid letter of good standing from any and all jurisdictions where the applicant has been registered to practice dental hygiene. All applicants must notify BCCOHP of all jurisdictions in Canada and internationally where they have been registered to practice dental hygiene.

If you are applying for registration in BC and are currently or have previously been registered in another Canadian jurisdiction, BCCOHP requires a Certificate/Letter of Standing from that jurisdiction.

The Certificate/Letter of Standing is valid for up to 60 days from the date that it was signed. If you do not have your registration process completed within 60 days, a new Certificate/Letter will be required.

The Certificate/Letter of Standing form can be found here.

If you are registered with BCCOHP and would like to request our office to provide letters of standing to other jurisdictions, the consent for release of information form can be found here.

Please allow up to 15  business days for processing. 

Note: we send your Certificate/Letter of Standing directly to the organization you have on the form unless otherwise requested.

In order to be eligible for registration in BC, foreign-trained dental hygienists and recent graduates of programs not approved by BCCOHP (see Schedule C of the bylaws for approved list, page 152; also included in the accordion belowmust successfully complete the Canadian Performance Exam in Dental Hygiene (CPEDH) offered by the Federation of Dental Hygiene Regulators of Canada (FDHRC). This College approved exam determines an individual’s competence and readiness to practice. This requirement does not apply to those who have already passed a clinical exam in another Canadian jurisdiction or have been registered in good standing within Canada.


The CPEDH is offered annually and applicants are encouraged to contact the FDHRC well in advance of the published application deadline to reserve a space. 

Upcoming CPEDH Sessions

For information on upcoming CPEDH Sessions please contact: 

Requirements to Apply

Please contact the FDHRC to request a CPEDH application form and to receive additional information regarding the exam.

About the CPEDH

Information about the CPEDH can be found here.

If your registration has lapsed and you wish to regain practising status, you must meet specific requirements. Please email for further information. 

Below is a list of the dental hygiene diploma and degree programs in BC:

Dental hygiene diploma programs

Dental hygiene degree programs

Recognized (Approved) Local Anesthesia Courses

  • Camosun College DH Diploma Program LA course
  • Vancouver Community College DH Diploma Program LA course
  • College of New Caledonia DH Diploma Program LA course
  • UBC 4-year, entry-to-practice DH Degree Program LA course
  • Vancouver College of DH Diploma Program LA course
  • Vancouver Island University DH Diploma Program LA course

The following BC Continuing Education Local Anesthesia Courses are recognized by BCCOHP for the purpose of certification for administration of local anesthesia:

British Columbia, Continuing Education (CE) Courses

  • Camosun College Continuing Education LA course (Offering currently suspended)
  • College of New Caledonia Continuing Education LA course
  • UBC Continuing Education LA course
  • Vancouver College of Dental Hygiene Continuing Education LA course
  • Vancouver Island University Continuing Education LA course