Board meetings

The Board of the BC College of Oral Health Professionals typically meets four times per year. The Board also holds an annual meeting.

More information is provided below about public participation at board meetings, as well as board meeting agendas, dates, and minutes of previous board meetings.

2025 Board election

BCCOHP held a board election in January 2025 for two registrant or certified dental assistant board member positions.

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Board meeting format

BCCOHP’s board meetings are open to the public and minutes of public meetings are published here. 

Public sessions are a standing item on board agendas and at annual meetings to allow the public, oral health professionals and interested parties to submit questions or make comments directly to the BCCOHP Board, within the framework outlined in the Public Participation Policy.  

Confidential agenda items will be discussed during the in camera portion (closed session) of the board meeting. Observers are not permitted during closed sessions, and minutes of this portion will not be published. 

For more information, please see our Public Participation Policy at Board Meetings and Annual Meetings.  

Board meeting dates

Note: meeting packages are posted one week in advance of scheduled board meetings. 

Thursday, June 19, 2025BCCOHP Offices
Main Floor, Karen England Meeting Room
1765 West 8th Avenue, Vancouver

Thursday, July 24, 2025

This is a closed meeting pursuant to s. 2.16(8)(a) of the BCCOHP bylaws.

BCCOHP Offices
Main Floor, Karen England Meeting Room
1765 West 8th Avenue, Vancouver
Thursday, September 4, 2025BCCOHP Offices
Main Floor, Karen England Meeting Room
1765 West 8th Avenue, Vancouver
Thursday, December 4, 2025BCCOHP Offices
Main Floor, Karen England Meeting Room
1765 West 8th Avenue, Vancouver
Thursday, March 12, 2026BCCOHP Offices
Main Floor, Karen England Meeting Room
1765 West 8th Avenue, Vancouver
Thursday, June 18, 2026BCCOHP Offices
Main Floor, Karen England Meeting Room
1765 West 8th Avenue, Vancouver

Attending board meetings

As a regulator working in the public interest, BCCOHP welcomes public participation at our board meetings. We aim to create an environment in which members of the public, oral health professionals, and all interested parties feel comfortable and can ask relevant questions at an appropriate time. 

Board meetings and annual meetings are open to the public. At in-person meetings, all observers will be asked to sign in and we ask all guests to respect the format of this business meeting and to refrain from speaking to other participants while the meeting is in progress. 

If you wish to attend an in-person board meeting as an observer, please RSVP by emailing no less than 72 hours prior to the meeting in order to ensure sufficient seating at the venue. 

Submitting questions for board meetings

If you have a question you would like the BCCOHP Board to consider at an upcoming meeting, please submit it to us at least 24 hours prior to a meeting using our online contact form. When using the form, please select the subject “board meeting question” from the drop-down menu. 

Questions and comments must relate to the agenda items of the meeting in which they are raised and reflect the mandate of BCCOHP. Meeting agendas are published online approximately one week before scheduled board meetings. Anonymous questions will not be accepted. More information is available in the Public Participation Policy at Board Meetings and Annual Meetings. 

Please note: We cannot respond to questions or comments about individual complaint investigations or individual oral health care professionals due to confidentiality, privacy and legal requirements. 

We recognize that our resources, including staff time, have to be used where they can provide the most value. Anybody who raises an issue with us has a right to expect us to deal with it fully and fairly, and we do not normally limit contact with BCCOHP. However, we do not tolerate unreasonably persistent or unacceptable behaviour, and will be unable to respond to those who, because of the frequency of their contact, hinder the work that we do on behalf of patients and the public of British Columbia. 

Contact us

If you have any questions about board meetings or minutes, please use our contact form.