It’s annual renewal time 

Oral health professionals will be able to renew your registration/certification with the BC College of Oral Health Professionals and submit your payment by logging in to your account online. The 2023/24 annual renewal deadline is Friday, March 31, 2023.

Renew your registration/certification starting next week

Beginning next week, you will be able to renew your registration/certification with the BC College of Oral Health Professionals and submit your payment by logging in to your account online. The 2023/24 annual renewal deadline is Friday, March 31, 2023.

Board appoints Dr. Chris Hacker as BCCOHP’s permanent Registrar/CEO

The Board of the BC College of Oral Health Professionals (BCCOHP) is pleased to announce that Dr. Chris Hacker has been appointed Registrar/CEO on a permanent basis.

Chris’s appointment is the result of an independent national search process that took place throughout the fall. He had been serving as Registrar/CEO until the Board’s search process was complete.

Update for oral health professionals

Topics covered in this update: 2023/24 annual renewal is coming, Quality assurance deadline, First oral health professionals engagement study, Opportunity for BCCOHP registrants to administer influenza vaccines, Holiday closure.

What dental hygienists should know in advance of renewal in 2023

We provided general information about what would be changing – and what is staying the same – to all oral health professionals.

We are writing to you now in advance of the renewal period to provide some additional information that is specific to dental hygienists.

In preparation for your renewal in early 2023, we have compiled a list of key changes specific to dental hygienists here.

New legislation to replace Health Professions Act receives Royal Assent

New legislation introduced by the Minister of Health last month to replace the Health Professions Act received Royal Assent on November 24, 2022.

The Health Professions and Occupations Act contains important changes to the way health profession regulatory colleges fulfill our mandate to serve and protect patients and the public.

Introducing BC’s newest regulatory college: the BC College of Oral Health Professionals

BCCOHP oversees 16,000 oral health professionals, including certified dental assistants, dental hygienists, dental therapists, dentists, dental technicians and denturists.
Having a single oral health regulator for all oral health professions will improve patient safety, increase public confidence through transparency and accountability, and promote better outcomes for patients. 

What oral health professionals need to know in advance of amalgamation on September 1

The following message is for all oral health professionals in British Columbia:  Effective September 1, 2022, certified dental assistants, dental hygienists, dental therapists, dentists, dental technicians and denturists will become regulated by the British Columbia College of Oral Health Professionals (BCCOHP). There is nothing that you need to do: the registration or certification that you […]